Aston's new book, Things About Space
Aston Smith is a keen aspiring astronomer with a fascination of space. Living with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
at the age of 8 years old, he decided to create and publish a book containing facts about
The Solar System.
Now at 10 years old, Aston wanted to expand on his first book by creating an updated interactive version packed full of new thoughts, experiences, and facts and information about
other objects like stars, black holes and exoplanets. His fascination with space and the expanding universe captures his interest and he loves to share his knowledge with others.
Aston has also refreshed his drawings digitally using his iPad.
Things About Space is an interactive book. Using a compatible device, readers are able to scan QR codes and listen to Aston narrate each page in his own voice.
This is especially advantageous for young children who may struggle with some of the more complex object names and terminology. Click or scan the QR code below to listen
to a sample of Aston narrating a paragraph of the book.
Aston's mission is to inspire other children who have ADHD and who are autistic. He wants to encourage them to follow their dreams despite any barriers they may have. Aston
refers to his autism as his "superpower", as it has given him a thirst for space facts and a creative mind.
Aston has featured in the BBC News and in the
Chronicle & Echo.
He was interviewed on BBC Breakfast with Charlie Stayt and Nina Warhurst,
interviewed and featured on ITV News, and had his story told on BBC Radio Northampton followed by a live interview with Annabel Amos.
Recently, Aston has returned to BBC Radio Northampton for another live interview with Annabel Amos talking about
hitting his target donation pledge to UK Astronomy, and getting his book into schools for children to read. This interview was also followed up with article on
BBC News.
Available to order online

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